Day or Shrove Tuesday is a special day celebrated in many countries
around the world. It is celebrated in English-speaking countries like
the UK, Ireland, Australia and Canada. Shrove Tuesday is at the end
of Carnival. On this day many people eat pancakes, a thin, flat cake
made in a pan.
Day is always on a Tuesday in February or March. It is the day before
Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. Lent is a period of 40 days before
Easter. Traditionally, during Lent, people didn’t eat rich foods
like butter and eggs, so they made pancakes from these ingredients on
Shrove Tuesday.
tradition on Pancake Day in the UK is pancake racing. People run in a
race with a pancake in a pan. As they run, they have to toss the
pancake (throw the pancake in the air and catch it in the pan)
several times. In some pancake races people dress up in fancy dress
costumes. The most famous pancake race takes place in a town called
Olney, in the middle of England. People say that Olney has been
celebrating pancake races since 1445!