V-J Day in Times Square is a photograph by Alfred Eisenstaedt Alfred that portrays an American sailor kissing a woman in a white dress on Vitory over Japan DayVictory (V-J Day) in Times Square in New York City, on August 14, 1945. The photograph, taken with a Leica IIIa camera, was published a week later in Life magazine among many photographs of celebrations around the United States. Eisenstaedt was photographing a spontaneous event that occurred in Times Square as the announcement of the end of the war on Japan was made by U.S. President Harry S. Truman at seven o'clock.
The photograph is known under various titles, such as V-J Day in Times Square, V-Day, and The Kiss.
Because Eisenstaedt was photographing rapidly changing events during the celebrations he did not have an opportunity to get the names and details. The photograph does not clearly show the faces of either person involved in this embrace and several people have claimed to be the subjects. The photograph was shot just south of 45th Street looking north from a location where Broadway and Seventh Avenue converge. Soon after ward, throngs of people crowded into the square and it became a sea of people.
Edith Shain wrote to Eisenstaedt in the late 1970s claiming to be the woman in the picture. In August 1945, Shain was working at Doctor's Hospital in New York City as a nurse when she and a friend heard on the radio that World War had ended. They went to Times Square where all the celebrating was and as soon as she arrived on the street from the subway, the sailor grabbed her in an embrace and kissed her. She related that at the time she thought she might as well let him kiss her since he fought for her in the war. Shain did not claim that she was the woman in the white dress until many years later when she wrote to Eisenstaedt. He notified the magazine that he had received her letter claiming to be the subject
George Mendonça of Newport, Rhode Island, on leave from the USS The Sullivans (DD-537), was watching a movie with his future wife, Rita, at Radio City Music Hall when the doors opened and people started screaming the war was over. George and Rita joined the partying on the street, but when they couldn't get into the packed bars decided to walk down the street. It was then that George saw a woman in a white dress walk by and took her into his arms and kissed her, "I had quite a few drinks that day and I considered her one of the troops—she was a nurse."[In one of the four pictures that Eisenstaedt took, Mendonça claims that Rita is visible in the background behind the kissing couple.
The Perseids are a prolific meteor showwer associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle. The Perseids are so called because the point from which they appear to come, called the radiant, lies in the constellation Perseus. The name derives in part from the word Perseides, a term found in Greek mythology referring to the sons of Perseus.
The shower is visible from mid-July each year, with the peak in activity between 9 and 14 August, depending on the particular location of the stream. During the peak, the rate of meteors reaches 60 or more per hour. They can be seen all across the sky; however, because of the shower’s radiant in the constellation of Perseus, the Perseids are primarily visible in the Northern Hemisphere. As with many meteor showers the visible rate is greatest in the pre-dawn hours, since more meteoroids are scooped up by the side of the Earth moving forward into the stream, corresponding to local times between midnight and noon.
"Infinite Jest"
Star War
La guerra de las Galaxias

Halloween, the time of pumpkins, candies, ghosts,
witches and much more, is annually celebrated on 31 October.
That's the night before All Saints Day. Its origins date back thousands of
years to the Celtic festival of Samhaim or The Feast of the Sun, a most
significant holiday of the Celtic year. This day marked the end of summer but
also the season of darkness as well as the beginning of the New Year on 1
Druids in Britain and Ireland would light
bonfires, dance around them and offer sacrifices of animal and crops. The fires
were also intended to give warmth to the households and to keep free from evil
spirits. Through the ages these practices changed.
The Irish hollowed out turnips, placed a
light inside to keep away the bad and stingy Jack. As the legend says, Jack was
a man who tricked the devil and after Jack had died he was allowed neither in
heaven nor in hell. With a lantern in his hand he began to search for a resting
place on Earth. This was the original Jack-o-Lantern. Since Halloween came to
America from Ireland (Scotland and Wales) people used pumpkins because they
were bigger and easier to hollow out than turnips.
During the centuries the cultures have added their own
elements to the way Halloween is celebrated.
Children love the custom of dressing-up in
fancy costumes and going from door-to-door yelling "Trick-or-Treat" .
Adults instead join spooky parties which are nearly held all over the cities
and villages on that special evening. A spooky decoration, games and
"frightening food" are nuts and bolts for a Halloween party your
friends won't soon forget.
Halloween, the time of pumpkins, candies, ghosts,
witches and much more, is annually celebrated on 31 October.
That's the night before All Saints Day. Its origins date back thousands of
years to the Celtic festival of Samhaim or The Feast of the Sun, a most
significant holiday of the Celtic year. This day marked the end of summer but
also the season of darkness as well as the beginning of the New Year on 1
Druids in Britain and Ireland would light
bonfires, dance around them and offer sacrifices of animal and crops. The fires
were also intended to give warmth to the households and to keep free from evil
spirits. Through the ages these practices changed.
The Irish hollowed out turnips, placed a
light inside to keep away the bad and stingy Jack. As the legend says, Jack was
a man who tricked the devil and after Jack had died he was allowed neither in
heaven nor in hell. With a lantern in his hand he began to search for a resting
place on Earth. This was the original Jack-o-Lantern. Since Halloween came to
America from Ireland (Scotland and Wales) people used pumpkins because they
were bigger and easier to hollow out than turnips.
During the centuries the cultures have added their own
elements to the way Halloween is celebrated.
Children love the custom of dressing-up in
fancy costumes and going from door-to-door yelling "Trick-or-Treat" .
Adults instead join spooky parties which are nearly held all over the cities
and villages on that special evening. A spooky decoration, games and
"frightening food" are nuts and bolts for a Halloween party your
friends won't soon forget.
Harvest Festival
Every year in UK it is celebrated a Harvest Festival in schools and churches. Do you know why?
Harvest Festival is a celebration of the food grown on the land.
Thanksgiving ceremonies and celebrations for a successful harvest are both worldwide and very ancient. In Britain, people have given thanks for successful harvests since pagan times. They celebrate this day by singing, praying and decorating churches with baskets of fruit and food in a festival known as 'Harvest Festival', usually during the month of September.
Harvest festivals are traditionally held on or near the Sunday of the Harvest Moon. This is the full Moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox (about September 23). In two years
A boxtop, is the upper portion of a product box, detached, and mailed as part of a claim for a radio premium or other advertising offer. During the 1930s through 1950s, cereal boxtops were usually the most common proofs of purchase used to claim such premiums. (UPCs, which debuted in the 1960s, later served this purpose.)
Popular cereal boxtops of the period were Wheaties, which sponsored Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy; Kellogg's Pep, which sponsored The Adventures of Superman; Ralston-Purina, which sponsored Tom Mix Ranston Straight Shooters; and various General Mills, particularly Cheerios and Kix, which sponsored The Lone Ranger.
General Mills (which now also owns the cereal assets of Ralston-Purina) currently markets its boxtop redemption program toward educational institutions; the program is currently known as Box Tops for Education.
"Infinite Jest"
It is a 1996 novel written by David Foster Wallace. The lengthy and complex work takes place in a semi-satiric future version of North America, centering on a junior tennis academy and a nearby substance-abuse recovery center. The novel touches on many topics, including addiction and recovery, family relationships, entertainment and advertising, film theory, Quebec separatism and tennis. The novel famously includes 388 endnotes that cap almost a thousand pages of prose, which, together with its detailed fictional world, have led to its categorization as an encyclopedic novel. In 2005 it was included by Time magazine in its list of the 100 best English-language novels published since 1923.By 2006, 150,000 copies of Infinite Jest had been sold, and the book has continued to sell steadily and attract critical commentary.
"La broma infinita"
Es una novela escrita durante tres años y publicada en 1996 por el autor estadounidense David Foster Wallace. Debido a su extensión (más de mil páginas, cientos de las cuales son notas al final) y a la diversidad de temas que cubre, se le puede clasificar simultáneamente en los géneros de sátira, novela posmoderna, novela existencialista, ciencia-ficción, tragicomedia, distopía, novela filosófica, novela política y novela psicológica. La narración utiliza, y a veces combina, las técnicas de monólogo interior, alternación de narradores y bibliografía ficticia. La broma infinita es considerada, por la revista Time, como una de las cien mejores novelas escritas en lengua inglesa.
General Certificate of Secondary Education
The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification awarded in a specified subject, generally taken in a number of subjects by students aged 14-16 in secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It was introduced in 1986 (with the first examinations taking place in 1988), replacing the former General Certificate of Education [GCE]O Level / CSE qualifications.One of the main changes was to allow students to complete coursework during their two years of study, which was marked by their teachers and contributed to their final examination grade.
Star War
La guerra de las Galaxias
A resourceful astromech droid, R2-D2 served Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker in turn, showing great bravery in rescuing his masters and their friends from many perils. A skilled starship mechanic and fighter pilot's assistant, he formed an unlikely but enduring friendship with the fussy protocol droid C-3PO.
En los países hispanoamericanos, se lo conoce como «Arturito» debido a la similitud fonética del nombre pronunciado en inglés: R2-D2, (Ar tu-di tu). En cambio, en España se lo conoce como se pronuncia en español,erre dos-de dos. El nombre «Arturito» fue el usado en la traducción oficial del Episodio IV para los países hispanohablantes de América, tanto en subtítulos como en doblajes y libros. No fue hasta mucho después que, en otras traducciones y tiempos más actuales, los fans conocieron el verdadero nombre del robot. Sin embargo, «Arturito» resultó tan simpático entre los fans que incluso cuando se conoció el verdadero nombre, muchos continuaron usándolo, alternativamente, para referirse a R2-D2.
A resourceful astromech droid, R2-D2 served Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker in turn, showing great bravery in rescuing his masters and their friends from many perils. A skilled starship mechanic and fighter pilot's assistant, he formed an unlikely but enduring friendship with the fussy protocol droid C-3PO.THE THREE R'S
The three Rs, a widely used abbreviation for the basic elements of a primary school curriculum: reading, ’riting (writing), and ’rithmetic (arithmetic)
The original phrase "the Three Rs" came from a previous speech made by Sir William Curtis in 1795.
From reading and writing comes the idea in modern education of literacy, by which we generally mean having the ability to understand ideas expressed through the medium of words. From reckoning and figuring comes the modern idea of numeracy which means being able to understand ideas expressed in the medium of mathematics. There is no single word, equivalent to
Es muy curioso lo que pasa en Londres con los nombres de las
calles. Cambian a la menor curva que aparece, pero si la curva es muy
pronunciada mantiene el nombre. Por otro lado hay infinidad de palabras que
definen a una calle, dependiendo del tamaño y localización. Aquí van algunas de
Midsummer's Eve and Midsummer's Day
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When is Midsummer's Day?
Midsummer's Day, the middle of summer, falls on on 24 June, after the longest day (Summer Solstice). Before the change of calendars, Midsummer's day fell on 5 July.
Why are Midsummer's Day and the Summer Solstice not on the same day?
The longest day in the northern hemisphere is today either the 20th or 21st of June, whilst Midsummer's Day in Europe is traditionally on 24 June.
This discrepancy is said to have been caused by the variants of the Julian Calendar and the Tropical Year further confused by the Gregorian Calendar.
What used to happen on Midsummer's Eve?
Midsummer's Eve is a time associated with witches, magic, fairies and dancing.
On the eve of Midsummer's Day, many bonfires were lit all over the country. This was in praise of the sun, for the days were getting shorter and the sun appeared to be getting weaker, so people would light fires to try and strengthen the sun.
Midsummer's Eve today
Practice of this ancient ritual, which also includes a Summer Solstice Circle Dance, is now mainly confined to Cornwall, the West Country, and London's Hampstead Heath.
Midsummer's Superstitions
Roses are of special importance on Midsummer's Eve. It is said that any rose picked on Midsummer's Eve, or Midsummer's Day will keep fresh until Christmas.
At midnight on Midsummer's Eve, young girls should scatter rose petals before them and say:
Then the next day, Midsummer's Day, their true love will visit them
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