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viernes, 3 de abril de 2015


April Fools Day Facts

§                  The exact origin of April Fool’s Day is unknown however the most popular theory has to do with a change of a calendar.
§                  It is believed that April Fool’s Day may started in France when Pope Charles IX changed the calendar to go with the Roman calendar.
§                  In France before 1582 the new year started on April 1st.  It was changed to January 1st in 1582.
§                  Some of the people there did not know about the change and continued to celebrate the new year on April 1st.  Those people were considered “April Fools.”
§                  Other people believe that April Fools came from the Roman Festival of Hilaria, a celebration of the god Attis.  The Festival of Hilaria was held on March 25th and was a Roman day of laughing and telling jokes.
§                  Some people believe that April Fools came from Sizdah Be-dar.
§                  Sizadah Be-dar has roots in Zoroastrian (an ancient Iranian religion) belief that laughter and joy symbolize throwing away bad thoughts.
§                  Sizdah Be-dar began around 536 BC.
§                  Iranians play jokes on each other on Sizdah Be-dar the 13th day of the Persian New Year which is celebrated on April 1st or 2nd.
April Fools Day Around the World
§                  April Fools is celebrated in many countries.
§                  In France, Italy and Belgium people celebrate April Fools by trying to stick paper fish on someone without them noticing then yell April Fish in their language.
§                  In Scotland April Fools is called Hunt-the-Gowk Day.  A day of pranks and jokes.
§                  In Denmark April Fools is celebrated on May 1st and is called Maj-Kat.
§                  In Spanish speaking counties such as Spain and Mexico April Fools is celebrated on December 28th the Day of Holy Innocents.
Here is a list of funny April Fools Day jokes and pranks parents can play on their children:
1.            The night before April Fools day put googey eyes on everything in the refrigerator.  The kids will open the refrigerator in the morning and be very surprised.
2.            Toilet paper everything in their room while they are at school or if your real good you can do it while their sleeping.  If you don’t want to do the entire room toilet paper their beds or dresser.
3.            The night before pour some milk into a cereal bowl and put it in the freezer for the night.  In the morning take the bowl out of the freezer fill it with cereal and more milk. When they put their spoon in they will notice it’s half frozen!
4.            Do the cereal change up.  Take two boxes of cereal and change the contents inside.  When they pour the cereal it will be different.
5.            Weird Milk!  Add a couple of drops of food coloring in the milk.  When the kids go to use it, it will be green, blue pink or which ever color you use.
6.            Mash Potato Mix Up- Add some food coloring to your children’s mash potatoes.  They get a kick out of some purple or green mash potatoes.
7.            Rising Pancakes!  This one requires kids help. Add quick acting dry yeast to the pancake batter.  Have the kids help make the pancakes.  While they are cooking the pancakes will rise and get bigger and rise and get bigger.
8.            This one is good for little boys.  Pour some baking soda in the toilet.  When your little guy goes to use the bathroom in the morning it will fuzz up.
9.            Underwear line!  Safety pin 7-10 pairs of your child’s underwear.  Then put them back in their drawer.  When your child goes to get dressed in the morning and pulls one pair of underwear out the rest will follow.
10.        Make a small hole in an apple.  Stick a gummy worm in it.  While your kids are eating the apple they will notice the wormy surprise.

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