Discussion To get students thinking about how this topic relates to their interests and lives, ask: What are the simple machines?
Where are simple machines used in the school and home?
How many simple machines can you identify in a bicycle?
Concept Map Explain to students that they will be reading Simple Machines.
What are some words related to simple machines?
List students’ responses on the board. (See box below for some terms they may suggest.)
After creating a list, ask students to group the words into categories, such as Lever Family and Inclined Plane Family. Create a concept map by writing Simple Machines on the board and circling it.
Write the kinds of simple machines around the circle and draw lines between the ideas to show the connections. Then list examples and write the words from the list around the appropriate categories.
Get Set to Read (Anticipation Guide) Copy and distribute the Get Set to Read blackline master (page 3 of this Teacher’s Guide). Explain to students that this Anticipation Guide will help them find out what they know and what misconceptions they have about the topic. Get Set to Read is a list of statements—some true, some false. Ask students to write whether they think each statement is true or false in the Before Reading column. Be sure to tell students that it is not a test and they will not be graded on their answers. The activity can be completed in a variety of ways for differentiated instruction: Have students work on their own or in small groups to complete the entire page. Assign pairs of students to focus on two statements and to become “experts” on these topics. Ask students to complete the Before Reading column on their own, and then tabulate the class’s answers on the chalkboard, on an overhead transparency, or on your classroom computer. Review the statements orally with the entire class. If you predict that students will need assistance finding the answers, complete the Page Number column before copying Get Set to Read.
Preview Distribute Simple Machines and model how to preview it. Examine titles, headings, words in boldface, pictures, charts, and captions. Then have students add new information to the Concept Map. If students will only be reading a few pages at one sitting, preview only the selected pages.
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KIDS DISCOVER title! These activities introduce students to 15 specialized and general-use vocabulary words from each KIDS DISCOVER title. Working with both types of words helps students develop vocabulary, improve comprehension, and read fluently.
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