Estilo Indirecto
Reported Speech
Indirect Speech
Poner una frase en Estilo Indirecto es contar lo que alguien dijo.
Por supuesto hay varios cambios que se deben realizar cuando se pasan las frases.
Cambios verbales
Directo Indirecto
Presente Simple Pasado Simple
Presente Continuo Pasado continuo
Presente Perfecto Pasado Perfecto
Presente Perfecto Continuo Pasado Perfecto Continuo
Pasado Simple Pasado Perfecto
Pasado Continuo Pasado Perfecto Continuo
Pasado Perfecto Pasado Perfecto
Pasado Perfecto Continuo Pasado Perfecto Continuo
Futuro Simple (will) Condicional Simple (Would)
Is going to Was going to
Are going to Were going to
Must Had to
Can Could
May Might
Shall Should
Need Needed / Had to
Otros cambios
Directo Indirecto
I He / She
Me Him / Her
My His / Her
Mine His / Hers
We They
Us Them
Our Their
Ours Theirs
This That
These Those
Here There
Now Then
Ago Before
Today That day
Tonight That night
Tomorrow The next day / The following day
Yesterday The day before / The previous day
Next Following
Frases Afirmativas
El verbo introductorio es said con la conjunción that que se puede escribir o no.
“I don’t like meat”, said John
John said (that) he didn’t like meat.
Frases Interrogativas
El verbo introductorio es asked.
Hay dos tipos de preguntas
-Yes/ No questions . Son las que van a tener como respuesta si ó no.
- Wh questions. Son las que comienzan con una palabra interrogativa (What, How many……..)
Yes/ No Questions
Para estas preguntas se utiliza la partícula IF (ó whether que es menos usual)
La frase interrogativa se transforma en afirmativa.
“Have they arrived”? He said
He asked if they had arrived.
Wh Questions
Para estas preguntas se vuelve a escribir la palabra interrogativa y se transforma la pregunta en afirmación.
“What are they doing”? he said
He asked what they were doing.
Frases Imperativas
Se utiliza como verbo introductorio “told”.
El verbo no tiene cambios.
Se escribe el verbo en infinitivo con “to”
“Open the window”, said my teacher
My teacher told to open the window.
“Don´t open this box”, said the boss
The boss told not to open that box.
Frases con verbos especiales
“Please, give me this ticket”
He asked to give him that ticket.
“Please, please, don`t tell him the truth”
He begged not to tell him the truth.
“Let’s write a new letter”
He suggested writing a new letter.
“Would you like to have dinner with me tonight”
He invited me to have dinner with him.
“Good morning Peter”
He greeted Peter
“I am not the new teacher”
He denied that he was the new teacher.
“If I were you , I ‘d get a summer job?
He advised me to get a summer job.
“OK, I will ask him”
He agreed to ask him
“Don’t drive too fast. This road is very dangerous.”
He warned us not to drive too fast because that road was very dangerous.
“Don’t forget there is a speed limit here”
He reminded me that there was a speed limit there.
“You never listen to what I say”
He complained that I never listened what he said
“Thanks, I said”
I thanked her
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